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Customer Days with HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365

At customer days, we show your current customers and prospects how they can simultaneously increase productivity and employee satisfaction with HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Hubdrive presents HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 on the main stage in a 30 minute presentation, as well as at an exhibition stand suited to the size of the event.

Show your costumers how to improve areas such as time tracking, recruiting, vacation management or sick leave.

Subsequently, we will show any interested customers the solution in a more concrete form, focusing on the requested improvements. As a result, they will directly secure a Microsoft Cloud subscription or extend existing subscriptions.

Always bear in mind that with HR, every employee within a company requires a license. That means high sales potential for you with low effort and expenditure.

Target Group

Alliance Partner & Software Partner


Partner level


1 day


$1000 plus travel costs


Take the next step now

I am James King, your contact person in the partner program.

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