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Maximize your Profit in the Microsoft Partner Ecosystem

Published on 02. Juli 2018

The field of business software within the Microsoft Ecosystem, now has more than fifty sectors on offer to engage with, such as CRM, ERP, Sharepoint and AI. Experience has proven that for the same amount of effort, partners can generate more revenue and profit with HR management.




The world around us is constantly changing and with this change comes opportunity. Technological advancements of all descriptions, from HoloLens to Dynamics AX in the cloud, are opening up new possibilities for the Microsoft Partner Ecosystem to engage, grow and disrupt every day. We are most certainly living in exciting times and the scope for opportunity is mind blowing. When faced with all this opportunity, it is easy to be overwhelmed.

In order to be successful, important questions have to be asked, to focus on what it is you want to achieve. Our experience in dealing with partners around the world has given us a huge amount of insight and proven to us that HR management increases company's revenue and profit with the same amount of time, effort and personnel.

There are three main reasons why this is such an exciting business case:

  • The roll of HR management within a company is to make improvements that benefit every employee. Because of this, the licensing of all employees is required in order to increase productivity through business software. 
  • The services are so attractive that every single member of staff wants to have a license for Dynamics 365, Talent, Hubdrive Apps, Office 365 and LinkedIn. As a result, all employees benefit and the company benefits, maximizing license sales.
  • The current level of productivity in the world of human resources is surprisingly poor and there is a huge amount of potential to improve work force efficiency. With the implementation of Microsoft and Hubdrive IP, an increase of up to 80% in efficiency is achievable.

In order to demonstrate the financial benefits of selling these solutions and apps, we have prepared a graphic example for Microsoft Dynamics partners. In this example, we have calculated how much profit can be made per month from a company with 200 employees. The principle of this calculation can be applied to larger or smaller sized companies. Regardless of the scale of the calculation, the fundamental outcome does not change.


If you want to join our partner program then don't hesitate to get in contact with us today.

Franziskus Lorey
CEO Hubdrive